Gregory Ebben

Gregory Allen Ebben

1970 - 2021

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Obituary of Gregory Allen Ebben

Gregory (Greg) Ebben (aka G) lost his battle with Cancer on 6/9/2021 at the age of 50. He was born on August 9, 1970 - in Park Rapids, Minnesota to Joel and Lanny (Sumption) Ebben.

Greg lived with his family in Montana, North Dakota, Missouri but settled in Olathe, KS. where he graduated from Olathe South High School in 1988. Greg along with his brother Kevin brought pick-up basketball to an Olathe neighborhood that forged life lasting relationships with many great people. 

He played basketball at Cloud County Community College, University of WI - Milwaukee, and MidAmerica Nazarene University where he graduated with a teaching degree in Physical Education. Greg later got his Masters in Physical Education from Azusa Pacific University in California.

Greg played Professional Basketball in Sao Paulo Brazil where he made many friends. He loved his time living in Brazil with Luiz Peruchi and family. 

After returning from Brazil - Greg coached in California and lived in Maryland before moving to KC where he taught and coached at Hogan Preparatory Junior High School.

In 2016 he was diagnosed with cancer and his fight began. Greg never complained. He just accepted the facts and began a fight to get to the “living on borrowed time” days. Thanks to the support of family, friends, and medical staff his fight lasted 4 ½ years.

Greg (G) will be remembered for his love of Basketball – playing it, watching it, and talking about it. He loved to sit back with a cold beer and debate why Michael Jordan was the greatest basketball player of all time. G will also be remembered for his “never afraid to try” attitude and the many relationships he built around basketball, golf, and being an avid sports fan.

In his last days he received hundreds of well wishes from old friends and people he met along the way. Reading and listening to the memories made him smile and truly showed the number of lives he touched.

The Ebben family will have a private service in Blaine, MN and we are planning to have a celebration of Greg’s life “get together” in the near future (KC and WI).

No need to send flowers or meals - just give someone you love a big hug today. Greg was not active on Facebook, but if you want to share a note, a story, or you just want to read about the people he touched - feel free to visit

Greg is survived by his parents Joel and Lanny Ebben, his brother Kevin and wife Heather, Niece Aleksa, and Nephews Cole and Hunter.

A Memorial Tree was planted for Gregory
We are deeply sorry for your loss ~ the staff at Cremation Society Of Minnesota | Minneapolis